
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

V-Stitch Cardigan for Barbie

Today's pattern is a cardigan sweater for Barbie.  This pattern will fit both the tnt older style barbie and the belly button newer style Barbie, although the fit will of course be slightly looser on the newer style.

My blonde barbie is the older style.
My brunette barbie is the newer style.  I actually don't like this sweater as good in the pictures as I do in real life. Huh, I guess it's just one of those things that didn't photograph well.

Size 10 thread
Number 5 steel hook

One note before we get started.  When I joined the seams, I used the same thread and just worked a sl st.  You could also use a regular needle and thread. (I was just too lazy to go get one.)  Also, there are going to be a LOT of threads to be worked in.  At places like seams, instead of doing all that weaving in, I cheated and tied the threads securely, then trimmed close.  Again, I'm lazy.

Ch 53
R1)  Work 3 dc in 6'th chain from hook, and in every 3'rd chain across, ending with 1 dc in last chain.  Ch 3, turn.
R2)  Work 2 dc into the space between dc and 3dc in previous row, then work 3 dc in every space between sets of 3 dc across, ending with 3 dc worked into ch 3 space.  Ch 3, turn.
R3)  Work 3 dc into every space between sets of 3 dc across, ending with 1 dc into ch 3 space.  Ch 3, turn.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 for 8 more rows-11 rows total.

Right front:
R1)  Work 2 dc into space between dc and 3 dc in previous row, then work 3 dc into next 3 spaces between sets of 3 dc's.  Ch 3, turn.
R2)  Work 3 dc into space between sets of 3 dc across, ending with 1 dc into ch 3 space.  Ch 3, turn.
R3)  Repeat row 1.
R4)  Work 3 dc into next 2 spaces between sets of 3 dc, 1 dc in last space between sets of 3 dc.  Ch 3, turn.
R5)  Work 2 dc into space between dc and 3d, work 3 dc into space between sets of 3 dc, and dc 3 into ch 3 space, ch 3, turn.
R6)  Work 3 dc into spaces between sets of 3 dc, 1 dc into ch 3 space, finish off.

Left Front:
Sl st to ch 3 sp on opposite side, ch 3.
Repeat rows as for right front.

R1)  Skip first space between 3 dc's, sl st into next space.  Ch 3, 2 dc into same space.  3 dc into each space across, stopping at second to last space.  Ch 3, turn.
R2)  3 dc into each space across, 1 dc into ch 3 space.  Ch 3, turn.
R3)  2 dc into space between dc and 3 dc.  3 dc into each space across and into turning ch 3 space.  Ch 3, turn.
R4)  Repeat row 2.
R5)  Repeat row 3.
R6)  Repeat row 2.
R7)  2 dc into space between dc and 3 dc, 3 dc into next space,  1 dc into next space, sc into next 6 dc, 1 dc into next space, 3 dc into next 2 spaces.  Finish off.
Stitch together at shoulder seams.

Ch 17
R1)  Work 3dc in 6'th ch from hook, and into every third ch across, ending with 1 dc worked into last ch.  Ch3, turn.
R2)  Work 2 dc into space between dc and 3 dc, then work 3 dc into every space between 3 dc across, ending with 3 dc worked into starting ch space.  Ch 3, turn.
R3)  Work 3 dc into every space between across, ending with 1 dc in turning ch 3.  Ch 3, turn.
R4)  Repeat row 2
R5)  Repeat row 3
R6)  Repeat row 2
R7)  Repeat row 3
R8)  Work 2 dc into first space, work 3 dc into next space,  work 3 dc into next space, ch 1, work 3 more dc into same space, work 3 dc into last 2 spaces, ch 3, turn.
R9)  Work 3 dc into each space across, including space created by ch 1, work 1 dc into turning ch 3, ch 3, turn.
R10)  Repeat row 2
R11)  Work 3 dc into first two spaces, work 3 dc, ch1, 3 dc into next space, work 3 dc into last two spaces, dc into turning ch, ch 3, turn.
R12)  Work 2 dc into space between dc and 3 dc, work 3 dc into every space across, including space created by ch 1, ending with 3 dc worked into turning ch 3, ch 3, turn.
(for 3/4 length sleeve, stop here and continue to sleeve cap)
R13)  Repeat row 3
R14)  Repeat row 2
R15)  Repeat row 3, but ch 4 and turn.
(row 16 begins the sleeve cap)
R16)  Work 3 dc into each space between 3 dc across, triple crochet into turning ch, ch 4, turn.
R17)  Repeat row 16
R18)  Repeat row 16.  Finish off.
Stitch together long sides of sleeve, beginning at bottom of row 1, and ending at top of row 15.  Turn sleeve right side out and place into armhole of sleeve, right sides together, and making sure that sleeve seam is centered at bottom of armhole (space between 3 dc's), stitch sleeve into armhole. To make sure that you are getting sleeve stitched in evenly, the middle set of 3dc in last row of sleeve should line up with the shoulder seam of the bodice.
Repeat for other sleeve.

If you want, you can stop right here and you will have a perfectly acceptable sweater.  Or you can keep going for a different look.  Like this.
Haha!  A sweater that actually buttons!

Front band:
Left Side)  Join with sl st to bottom of left front, ch 2.  Work 21 hdc evenly up front edge.  Ch 2, turn, skip first stitch, work hdc in each stitch back down front and in beginning ch 2.  Finish off.
Right Side)  Join with sl st to bottom of right front, ch 2.  Work 21 hdc evenly up front edge.  Ch 1, turn.  Work sc in first 2 stitches, *ch 2, skip next 2 stitches, sc in next 3 stitches*, repeat 3 times.  Ch 2, turn.  Skip first st, hdc in each stitch, working 2 hdc into ch 2 spaces.  Finish off.
Sew buttons, 4 of them, (approx. 3/8" size,can be slightly smaller but I don't recommend going any larger) onto left side of band to coordinate with the button holes created on the right side. 
The back view.
Front view on the other doll.
And back view on the other doll.


  1. Looks lovely on both dolls!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. This is beautiful. I am confused about the size of thread. I started this with Aunt Lydias crochet cotton. I chained 53 and worked 4 rows. It wraps around my barbie! Help.

    1. First, are you sure you are using #10 thread? There are different sizes so that could be it. If you are using #10, then I would guess that you are crocheting very loosely. I do tend to crochet a bit tighter than some, and normally I would say to use a smaller hook to compensate, however, that won't really work in this case. If you are crocheting very loosely, the only thing I can think to suggest is to work on crocheting tighter. I hope you can find a way to make it work!

    2. I think the issue here is that I believe you are using UK terms. As in...number 5 hook is actually .7mm to you and for us Canadian/US people a number 5 is actually 1.6mm.

    3. I am in the U.S. The #5 hook that I have is actually a 1.9 mm. It seems not all steel hooks are created alike. My steel hooks are quite old. The #5 is also stamped with U.S.A.-10 cents.

  3. This is beautiful. I am confused about the size of thread. I started this with Aunt Lydias crochet cotton. I chained 53 and worked 4 rows. It wraps around my barbie! Help.

    1. I used exactly the same size 10 and a 2mm crochet hook and fits barbie perfectly

  4. Olá gostaria que você pudesse disponibilizar o gráfico. Não entendo o passo a passo.

  5. Thanks for the inspiration! I had to crochet a jacket for my daughters teddy bear and adapted your pattern, now she is very happy!

    1. I had 2 7’s, a 1.65 & a 1.5. The 1.5 worked better for me, love the pattern. Have 2 three yr old granddaughters & they get frustrated when B’s fingers get caught in sleeves so i just sew up jackets & do 2 rows of sc around sleeve opening to make a cap sleeve.

  6. Hur många luftmaskor ska man lägga upp

  7. Hi ya,I am in the halfway through the pattern,but I am confused from where to start the back hasn't mentioned anywhere, can you please help me.thank you.

    1. I'm having the same problem. Did you get and explaination

    2. You start at the bottom section of the back . Between the pieces you have just crocheted. seems strange however it does work out. Remember to leave the space tho as stated in the patter which allows for the armholes....

  8. I am using #10 thread and #5 Crochet hook and am confused on how big it is. I love the picture and would really like to make it. Help!

  9. I have white crochet thread size #10 and 1.6mm hook. I will try and see whats the outcome of this Barbies sweater🧶


  11. I'm not sure where to start the back. Could you give me more details. Thank you

  12. I love this pattern!! I, too, make Barbie size clothes and other size doll clothes and I have found that for some reason trying to make cardigans or sweaters, etc., are almost impossible for me, they always come out wrong!! Good job, love it!!!

  13. I am confused as to why the pattern says this is a "V" stitch Cardigan for Barbie doll, but the pattern given is definitely not a "V" is a Granny Stitch barbie Pattern! I have Crocheted over 50 years and Crocheted many patterns using both stitches, and they Look nothing alike! Not sure why the wrong stitch pattern would be given!? Joyce

  14. Such a nice and easy pattern to follow. thanks
